GCBL is a community organization that promotes youth baseball opportunities for players ranging from age 3 thru Middle School.
The success of our organization is due to the support of the many volunteers, who dedicate countless hours to the organization of our programs, maintenance and upkeep of the Sater Park facility as well as coaching, running the concession stands and providing support to our teams, players and families.
Many thanks to our team of volunteers for their dedication to GCBL.
Sater Heights Park is the host of the Greenville Citizens Baseball League, the Darke County Fall Baseball League, as well as the Greenville High School and Acme baseball teams.
Questions? Email Us!

Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world.
-Babe Ruth
The GCBL Board of Directors is comprised of a 8 dedicated volunteers who guide every aspect of the GCBL Programs
Commissioner: Brent Short
Brent is in charge of all the ballpark operations.
Contact Brent @ 574-536-3118
Vice Commissioner: Matt Brinley
Matt is in charge of fundraising.
Contact Matt @ 937-459-2552
Treasurer: Robbie Jones
Robbie is in charge of the ballpark finances.
Contact Robbie @ 937-417-9765
Concession Stand Manager: Lauren Jones
Equipment Manager:
Business Manager: Kurt Labig
Tournament Directors: Jordan and Chelsea Wright
Jordan and Chelsea are in charge of all the Tournaments.
Contact Jordan @ 937-467-3210 and Chelsea @ 937-621-4178
Board of Trustees
Jesse Brents
Scott Holzapfel
Daniel Jones
Matt Myers
Jim Weaver
1958 Bob Brandon
1959 Mac McVay
1960 Max Garrison
1961 Robert Sink
1962 Robert Small
1963 Robert Small
1964 Don Malcom
1965 Berlin Harshbarger
1966 Berlin Harshbarger
1967 Bill Jenkinson
1968 Mel Conner
1969 Mel Conner
1970 Waldo Jenkinson
1971 Paul Crawford
1972 Paul Crawford
1973 Ron Treadway
1974 Dwight Thompson
1975 Dwight Thompson
1976 Jack Harless
1977 Jack Harless
1978 Joel Stevens
1979 Joel Stevens
1980 Joel Stevens
1981 Joel Stevens
1982 Joel Stevens
1983 Joel Stevens
1984 Larry Ullery
1985 Larry Ullery
1986 Dick Shumaker
1987 Dick Shumaker
1988 Keith Schlechty
1989 Keith Schlechty
1990 Keith Schlechty
1991 John Hess
1992 Rick Beam
1993 Rick Beam
1994 Steve Crawford
1995 Craig McGuire
1996 Mike Jones
1997 Mike Jones
1998 Scott Warren
1999 Scott Warren
2000 Kim Garland
2001 Mike Hohler
2002 Mike Hohler
2003 Mike Wendel
2004 Mike Wendel
2005 Tyler Edwards
2006 Jim Hackney
2007 Jim Hackney
2008 Chris Ward
2009 Jim Hackney
2010 Jim Hackney
2011 Tyler Edwards
2012 Tyler Edwards
2013 Keith Heidrich
2014 Ryan Delk
2015 Keith Heidrich
2016 Scott McKinniss
2017 Ryan Delk
2018 Ryan Delk
2019 Ryan Delk
In 1957 Greenville Citizen's Baseball League was founded by charter member Mark Baughn, since it's inception, GCBL has had 32 Commissioners over 60 years.